Potentially the coolest accessory for every season; the tote bag. The tote has really risen in popularity lately, mainly because of how functional, easy and personal they are. They are also often bigger than the average handbag, making them suitable for shopping and groceries. Not to mention how environmentally friendly totes are! Most shops have started charging customers for plastic bags recently, in an attempt to reduce plastic waste, and the tote bag is a perfect replacement.
Most retailers and luxury designers are hopping on the trend, however, we love the idea of personalization. Why not knit your very own tote bag? There are plenty of patterns out there! You can choose the colour, pattern and design to suit your very own style. They’re durable, modern and practical – all at once! We’ve included three tote patterns that we adore to give you the inspiration you need to knit your very own!
JUNIA TOTE - strikkekaffe
How amazing is the Junia tote from Strikkekaffe! It is the perfect accessory to any outfit due to its simplicity. You choose the yarn colour to suit your individual style. The tote is knitted from the top down with a stockinette stitch. The handles and edges are neatly knit together at the very end. It is so classy and minimalistic, which we love! The finished bag measures in at 36 cm long x 32 cm wide. If you like it as much as we do, buy the pattern here and start making your very own!

@strikkekaffe‘s Junia tote – how amazing is this neutral tone!
Moving on from the neutral tones we have Petiteknit’s Technicolor tote bag. This is the perfect accessory if you are looking to add a pop of colour into your wardrobe or outfit. The bag is knitted in three different colours, of your choice, to suit you! We love how it gradually switches colour, allowing a smooth transition rather than a harsh one. This bag is knitted from the bottom up in a slipped stitch pattern. The tote bag measures at 38 cm long x 34 cm wide – perfect to carry all that you need. Make one of your own by purchasing the pattern here.

@theknittingdiary‘s in white and red tones & @maritknits with blue and brown tones – both amazing!
SIMPLE KNIT TOTE - purl soho
Lastly, we have Purl soho’s Simple knit tote which is a stylish bag made with a mixture of cotton and linen yarn. We love the slouchy shape and fluffy texture of the bag – perfect for everyday wear. Using natural yarns, such as linen, creates a raw look with a sturdy feel. This bag is knitted with the bottom flat, pick up around the edges and then knit the body of the bag in the round. This tote is an absolute must-have! Access the pattern for the simple knit tote for completely free here.

@purlsoho‘s amazing simple knit tote. This is the perfect summer bag!
We hope this post has inspired you to make a tote bag of your very own by giving you a couple of options that will suit you. The totes are so versatile and perfect for these spring months, moving into summer. We would love to see your creations, tag us at @knitandnote on instagram!